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American Health Insurance Consumers To Receive Education From HealthCompare Through New Ebook Releases

HealthCompare is a nationally recognized health insurance site that is releasing ebooks in their determination to educate and empower American health insurance consumers.

They began to establish their reputation for compassion when site visitors came to their site and found a series of questions to answer that would leave them to a deeper understanding of their health insurance needs.

The questions that they were to answer were:

What are the consumers current health care needs? Do they currently require medication? Does the consumer have a pre-existing condition? Or are they seeking to start a family in the near future?

Does the financial state of the shopper allow for a lower deductible, thusly giving them a higher monthly premium? Or would having a high deductible (and therefore lower monthly premium) be more beneficial?

Is the consumer’s physician a factor? If they prefer to continue seeing their doctor of choice, HealthCompare helps them decide what policies allow that.

Are there any other health insurance options for the shopper, such as spouse or parent plan?

Once consumers get their quotes, HealthCompare then helps them narrow their decisions by prompting them to ask further questions, like:

How much will the policies being compared cost them from their pocket when considering deductibles, co-insurance, and co-pays?

What will the policies being compared offer in terms of maximum out-of-pocket expense?

Will the consumer’s office visits be covered?

Do any of the policies up for comparison offer maternity?

Is prescription drug coverage an option?

How much will the consumer pay for emergency services and ambulances?

Will the current primary physician and local hospitals be accepted under any of the policies being considered?

Health insurance costs are much more involved than mere premiums and buyers must carefully consider all out of pocket expenses to understand what their policies will ultimately cost them.

HealthCompare understood this and developed infographics that would help illustrate their industry and the hardships associated with it.

Inforgraphics illustrate difficult concepts by using bright colors and images in combination with data. They are effective at illustrating by extracting industry jargon and lingo that makes reports hard to comprehend.


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